Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Guide

In 2009, the Department of Labor issued new regulations for the Family and Medical Leave Act, making significant changes to the existing rules for FMLA leave.

The regulations made specific changes to notice requirements and medical certifications and in addition, they address leave entitlements related to family members in the military. The regulations will have an impact on existing policy and collective bargaining agreement (CBA) provisions governing leaves. As such, the Office of the President is working on revising policy language to incorporate the new regulations. Until policy and CBAs are updated, please contact your supervisor, manager, or department Human Resources contact regarding the interpretation and application of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) regulations.

In an effort to assist departments in administering the FMLA regulations, the links to the left provide information about the process to follow regarding the administration of leave for the serious health condition of an employee or qualified family member, including a description of when and how to use new forms.
