P4P Merit Program 2018-19
Pay for Performance supports differentiation in merit increases, based on an individual’s performance
University of California President, Janet Napolitano, has authorized UC Chancellors to move forward with implementing merit increases for non-represented employees who meet program guidelines for eligibility in the 2018-19 annual review cycle.
Managers/supervisors should advise their employees prior to upcoming pay dates.
A couple of notes about the information below:
- The merit process is conducted differently at UC Davis Health and on the Davis Campus, with different timelines.
- The information below only applies to non-represented 99 employees. A separate communication about Skilled Crafts (K-3) employees will be released within days.
- P4P Program at UC Davis Health
Employees meeting merit eligibility requirements will receive the following merit increases:
Exceptional - 4 percent increase
Fully Achieved Expectations - 2.5 percent increase
Effective Dates
Bi-weekly paid employees - the merit increase will be effective June 30, with salary adjustments first appearing on the employee’s August 21 paycheck. Retroactive payment: proposed to appear on employee’s August 21 paycheck.
Monthly paid employees – the merit increase will be effective July 1, with salary adjustments first appearing on the employee’s August 30 paycheck. Retroactive payment: proposed to appear on employee’s August 30 paycheck.
- P4P Program on the Davis Campus
The merit program’s budget is 3% with individual merit increases varying depending on performance reviews.
Next Steps for Davis Campus:
Human Resources will provide each school, college and division a roster of non-represented employees (99s) and salary budget by July 5, 2019.Merit decisions for non-represented 99s must be returned to HR by July 19, 2019.
Effective Dates
Bi-weekly paid employees - the merit increase will be effective June 30, with salary adjustments first appearing on the employee’s August 21 paycheck. Retroactive payment: proposed to appear on employee’s September 4 paycheck.
Monthly paid employees – the merit increase will be effective July 1, with salary adjustments first appearing on the employee’s August 30 paycheck. Retroactive payment: proposed to appear on employee’s August 30 paycheck, pending final confirmation from Payroll.